June 1, 2022 – What an exciting time we are experiencing in Al-Anon.
At the June Area Assembly we will be hearing the Delegate’s report!
She will update us on the status of the Global Electronic Area and other news
from the 2022 World Service Conference!
If you are joining us on Zoom, please log on at least 15 minute before the meeting.
This will help us get everyone named appropriately, which will help us have
a smoother voting experience! Thanks for your cooperation!
We will have an update on the Kentucky Convention September 23-25th
which is right around the corner, in Bowling Green! Did you know you can register online at kyal-anon.org? Just $30 to register for the weekend, be with your friends, hear great speakers and have a little get away.
Thank you ALL for your service! It takes all of us to keep carrying this message of recovery, one day at a time, one meeting at a time.